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Q&A with FSCO is a series that spotlights team members across all of our brands and highlights our culture at F. Schumacher & Co.

Roderick Chua: Director of Operations, Backdrop

"I oversee the continuous development and strategic execution of Backdrop's supply chain operation's requirements in the fulfillment space, logistics, traffic, transportation, vendor management, and systems."

Time with FS&CO: 1 year and 6 months

ML: What do you love most about working at Backdrop? RC: FLEXIBILITY: Our leadership exercises the right management flexibility that allows us to collaborate and enables us to take ownership, accountability and responsibility within our respective departments. The support structure in Backdrop is exceptional, and this is coming from someone who’s been around the block a few times.

ML: How do you think your work at Backdrop empowers and inspires the design world? RC: Our side of the business is ultimately part of a larger economy that feeds into the designer's ability to create. When we hold up our end of the bargain with regards to fulfillment, service, speed, and efficiency, the flow of design is not impeded. I believe this to be a critical and underrated tool in the creative process.

ML: What technologies do you see advancing the paint industry in the future? RC: Continuous tech development on the supply chain side supporting the industry would come first which would eventually allow a complete online retail for paint and an endless aisle in fulfillment. Add the technology piece to the home front – advanced printers may enable the ability to print sample paints from home. On paint as a color medium- one could just imagine the advancements in dyes and chemicals. The possibilities are only limited by one’s own creativity. I am personally very excited for the future!

ML: If you had the opportunity to take on another role at FS&CO for one day, what would it be and why? RC - It would be to see, feel and experience the full spectrum of the company’s vision through Timur’s chair. That position appeals to me from the perspective of being able to learn. The upstream process and all the nuance it brings to inspire and drive the organization toward a shared goal would be incredibly rewarding and the creative challenge of a lifetime.

ML - What is one thing most people don’t know about you? RC - I am a fan of Lewis Capaldi.... Enough said...

Check out last weeks spotlight Here

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